Monday, June 8, 2009

Family Home Evening insanity

Okay, I know that FHE is a great program, but how do you get a bunch of wiggly kids (even the 10 year old) to listen? I always feel my frustration growing as I teach the lesson (which I keep to about 5-10 minutes anyway) while they make faces at one another, giggle and crawl under the table. Hopefully this week's lesson on keeping the Sabbath day holy will sink in during the week or we will have an interesting Sunday. We can't play outside? We can't play with friends? No TV (except for church videos)?! Are we grounded? Yes, I will admit that I enjoy my nap time on Sunday which means I haven't enforced those standard Mormon rules mentioned above enough. I am repenting of that. We will see how it all goes down. I need to mention my deep satisfaction when I said to Brayden (the wiggly 10 year old), "Brayden, you will be giving the lesson next week" to which he looked at me in shock and said, "WHAT?!?!" So funny. Can't wait to see what he comes up with. (insert evil laugh here).

1 comment:

Tracking the Wolfes said...

So, how'd he do? I'm imagining all sorts of funny sequels to this story.