Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We may be moving to...

SEATTLE! A manager job for Delta has opened up in Seattle and Trevor has the experience they need, he also knows everyone up there since he worked in all the departments and they like him a lot. Some people have told us that he was the best manager they ever had. So, please keep us in your prayers that he gets this transfer. We want to come home!!!


Homewiththekids said...

Will you need to buy a house? We have one on the market... we are moving to Utah. Also, we are thinking of renting it out... don't you want to be in the Green River ward?! Catherine Grames

BrOwN CiRcUs said...

Julie, thanks for the idea for homecomming. I appreciate your support! I hope you get to move back!

Kathy said...

Hey...thinking of coming back to Kirkland? Hope to see you again!
Kathy Weatherford